Whenever the visible range changes, the chart requests data from the server, which returns a reduced view of the dataset, in this case using a very simple take every nth point
method. The overview is created manually because it does not share data with the main chart but has a reduced view of the entire dataset.
Demonstrates Multiple X & Y Axis on a React Chart using SciChart.js. SciChart supports unlimited left, right, top, bottom X, Y axis with configurable alignment and individual zooming, panning
Demonstrates Secondary Y Axis on a React Chart using SciChart.js. SciChart supports unlimited, multiple left, right, top, bottom X, Y axis with configurable alignment and individual zooming, panning
Demonstrates how to Zoom, Scale or Pan individual Axis on a React Chart with SciChart.js AxisDragModifiers
Demonstrates how to zoom and pan a realtime React Chart while it is updating, with SciChart.js ZoomState API
Demonstrates how to use multiple Zoom and Pan Modifiers on a React Chart with SciChart.js
Demonstrates how to zoom and pan with an Overview Chart