Realtime Ghosted Traces

Demonstrates real-time oscilloscope style effects with SciChart.js, High Performance JavaScript Charts

# Series: 0
# DataPoints: 0
FPS: 00









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1import {
2    CentralAxesLayoutManager,
3    EAxisAlignment,
4    EInnerAxisPlacementCoordinateMode,
5    FastLineRenderableSeries,
6    GlowEffect,
7    ICentralAxesLayoutManagerOptions,
8    NumberRange,
9    NumericAxis,
10    SciChartSurface,
11    XyDataSeries,
12} from "scichart";
13import { ExampleDataProvider } from "../../../ExampleData/ExampleDataProvider";
14import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
16const AMPLITUDE = 200;
18export const drawExample = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
19    const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
20        theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
21    });
23    // Optional parameters to control exact placement of the axis
24    // Below: These are defaults, but we specify them for completeness of the example
25    // Relative coordinate mode and 0.5 means 'place half way'
26    const options: ICentralAxesLayoutManagerOptions = {
27        horizontalAxisPositionCoordinateMode: EInnerAxisPlacementCoordinateMode.Relative,
28        verticalAxisPositionCoordinateMode: EInnerAxisPlacementCoordinateMode.Relative,
29        horizontalAxisPosition: 0.5,
30        verticalAxisPosition: 0.5,
31    };
33    // Configure x,y axis with central layout - oscilloscope style
34    sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(
35        new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
36            visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 900),
37            isInnerAxis: true,
38            axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Top,
39            labelStyle: {
40                color: appTheme.PaleSkyBlue,
41            },
42            axisBorder: {
43                borderTop: 1,
44                color: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
45            },
46        })
47    );
49    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(
50        new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
51            visibleRange: new NumberRange(-300, 300),
52            isInnerAxis: true,
53            axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
54            labelStyle: {
55                color: appTheme.PaleSkyBlue,
56            },
57            axisBorder: {
58                borderLeft: 1,
59                color: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
60            },
61        })
62    );
64    // Control the placement of the axis by specifying CentralAxesLayoutManager
65    // and isInnerAxis property
66    sciChartSurface.layoutManager = new CentralAxesLayoutManager(options);
68    const addSeries = (stroke: string, opacity: number) => {
69        const amplitude = Math.random() * AMPLITUDE;
70        const effect = new GlowEffect(wasmContext, {
71            range: 0,
72            intensity: 0.5,
73        });
74        const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { stroke, effect });
75        lineSeries.strokeThickness = 3;
76        lineSeries.opacity = opacity;
77        sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries);
78        const { xValues, yValues } = ExampleDataProvider.getNoisySinewave(500, 900, 7, amplitude, 30);
79        lineSeries.dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues });
80        return lineSeries;
81    };
83    const seriesColor = appTheme.VividTeal;
84    const series1 = addSeries(seriesColor, 1);
85    const series2 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.9);
86    const series3 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.8);
87    const series4 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.7);
88    const series5 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.6);
89    const series6 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.5);
90    const series7 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.4);
91    const series8 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.3);
92    const series9 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.2);
93    const series10 = addSeries(seriesColor, 0.1);
95    let timerId: NodeJS.Timeout;
97    const reassignRenderableSeries = () => {
98        const oldSeries = series10.dataSeries;
99        series10.dataSeries = series9.dataSeries;
100        series9.dataSeries = series8.dataSeries;
101        series8.dataSeries = series7.dataSeries;
102        series7.dataSeries = series6.dataSeries;
103        series6.dataSeries = series5.dataSeries;
104        series5.dataSeries = series4.dataSeries;
105        series4.dataSeries = series3.dataSeries;
106        series3.dataSeries = series2.dataSeries;
107        series2.dataSeries = series1.dataSeries;
109        const amplitude = Math.random() * AMPLITUDE;
110        const dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
111        ExampleDataProvider.fillNoisySinewave(500, 900, 7, amplitude, 30, dataSeries);
112        series1.dataSeries = dataSeries;
113        // To prevent memory leak we should delete
114        oldSeries.delete();
116        timerId = setTimeout(reassignRenderableSeries, 20);
117    };
119    const stopUpdate = () => {
120        clearTimeout(timerId);
121        timerId = undefined;
122    };
124    // Buttons for chart
125    const startUpdate = () => {
126        if (timerId) {
127            stopUpdate();
128        }
129        reassignRenderableSeries();
130    };
132    return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface, controls: { startUpdate, stopUpdate } };

See Also: Performance Demos & Showcases (11 Demos)

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SciChart Ltd, 16 Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, Docklands, London, E14 9XL.