Using the default multi-chart sync APIs, create a multi-pane stock chart example with indicator panels. Zooming, panning, cursors are synchronised between the charts. This is a simpler way to create charts than subcharts, but will have a performance hit on some browsers.
1import {
2 SciChartVerticalGroup,
3 CategoryAxis,
4 EAxisAlignment,
5 SciChartSurface,
6 EAutoRange,
7 NumberRange,
8 NumericAxis,
9 OhlcDataSeries,
10 FastCandlestickRenderableSeries,
11 XyDataSeries,
12 calcAverageForArray,
13 FastLineRenderableSeries,
14 ZoomPanModifier,
15 ZoomExtentsModifier,
16 MouseWheelZoomModifier,
17 RolloverModifier,
18 FastBandRenderableSeries,
19 XyyDataSeries,
20 FastColumnRenderableSeries,
21 EXyDirection,
22 EFillPaletteMode,
23 EStrokePaletteMode,
24 IFillPaletteProvider,
25 IStrokePaletteProvider,
26 IRenderableSeries,
27 parseColorToUIntArgb,
28 ENumericFormat,
29 SmartDateLabelProvider,
30 XyMovingAverageFilter,
31 EDataSeriesField,
32 ELabelAlignment,
33 SeriesInfo,
34 EDataSeriesType,
35 OhlcSeriesInfo,
36 RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation,
37 SciChartOverview,
38 ESeriesType,
39 FastMountainRenderableSeries,
40 GradientParams,
41 Point,
42 TextAnnotation,
43 ECoordinateMode,
44 EHorizontalAnchorPoint,
45 EVerticalAnchorPoint,
46 EAnnotationLayer,
47} from "scichart";
48import { fetchMultiPaneData } from "../../../ExampleData/ExampleDataProvider";
49import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
51const getTradingData = async (startPoints?: number, maxPoints?: number) => {
52 const { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues } = await fetchMultiPaneData();
54 if (maxPoints !== undefined) {
55 return {
56 dateValues: dateValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
57 openValues: openValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
58 highValues: highValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
59 lowValues: lowValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
60 closeValues: closeValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
61 volumeValues: volumeValues.slice(startPoints, startPoints + maxPoints),
62 };
63 }
65 return { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues };
68// Override the standard legend displayed by RolloverModifier
69const getTooltipLegendTemplate = (seriesInfos: SeriesInfo[], svgAnnotation: RolloverLegendSvgAnnotation) => {
70 let outputSvgString = "";
72 // Foreach series there will be a seriesInfo supplied by SciChart. This contains info about the series under the house
73 seriesInfos.forEach((seriesInfo, index) => {
74 const y = 20 + index * 20;
75 const textColor = seriesInfo.stroke;
76 let legendText = seriesInfo.formattedYValue;
77 if (seriesInfo.dataSeriesType === EDataSeriesType.Ohlc) {
78 const o = seriesInfo as OhlcSeriesInfo;
79 legendText = `Open=${o.formattedOpenValue} High=${o.formattedHighValue} Low=${o.formattedLowValue} Close=${o.formattedCloseValue}`;
80 }
81 outputSvgString += `<text x="8" y="${y}" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="${textColor}">
82 ${seriesInfo.seriesName}: ${legendText}
83 </text>`;
84 });
86 return `<svg width="100%" height="100%">
87 ${outputSvgString}
88 </svg>`;
91// Override the Renderableseries to display on the scichart overview
92const getOverviewSeries = (defaultSeries: IRenderableSeries) => {
93 if (defaultSeries.type === ESeriesType.CandlestickSeries) {
94 // Swap the default candlestick series on the overview chart for a mountain series. Same data
95 return new FastMountainRenderableSeries(defaultSeries.parentSurface.webAssemblyContext2D, {
96 dataSeries: defaultSeries.dataSeries,
97 fillLinearGradient: new GradientParams(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), [
98 { color: appTheme.VividSkyBlue + "77", offset: 0 },
99 { color: "Transparent", offset: 1 },
100 ]),
101 stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
102 });
103 }
104 // hide all other series
105 return undefined;
108export const getChartsInitializationAPI = () => {
109 // We can group together charts using VerticalChartGroup type
110 const verticalGroup = new SciChartVerticalGroup();
112 const dataPromise = getTradingData();
114 let chart1XAxis: CategoryAxis;
115 let chart2XAxis: CategoryAxis;
116 let chart3XAxis: CategoryAxis;
117 const axisAlignment = EAxisAlignment.Right;
119 const upCol = appTheme.VividGreen;
120 const downCol = appTheme.MutedRed;
121 const opacity = "AA";
123 // CHART 1
124 const drawPriceChart = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
125 const [chart, data] = await Promise.all([
126 SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
127 // prevent default size settings
128 disableAspect: true,
129 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
130 }),
131 dataPromise,
132 ]);
133 const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = chart;
134 const { dateValues, openValues, highValues, lowValues, closeValues, volumeValues } = data;
136 chart1XAxis = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
137 drawLabels: false,
138 drawMajorTickLines: false,
139 drawMinorTickLines: false,
140 });
141 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(chart1XAxis);
143 const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
144 maxAutoTicks: 5,
145 autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
146 growBy: new NumberRange(0.3, 0.11),
147 labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
148 labelPrecision: 4,
149 cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
150 cursorLabelPrecision: 4,
151 labelPrefix: "$",
152 axisAlignment,
153 });
154 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(yAxis);
157 const usdDataSeries = new OhlcDataSeries(wasmContext, {
158 dataSeriesName: "EUR/USD",
159 xValues: dateValues,
160 openValues,
161 highValues,
162 lowValues,
163 closeValues,
164 });
165 const fcRendSeries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
166 dataSeries: usdDataSeries,
167 stroke: appTheme.ForegroundColor, // Used for legend template
168 brushUp: upCol + "77",
169 brushDown: downCol + "77",
170 strokeUp: upCol,
171 strokeDown: downCol,
172 });
173 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(fcRendSeries);
175 // MA1 SERIES
176 const maLowDataSeries = new XyMovingAverageFilter(usdDataSeries, {
177 dataSeriesName: "MA 50 Low",
178 length: 50,
179 field: EDataSeriesField.Low,
180 });
181 const maLowRenderableSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
182 dataSeries: maLowDataSeries,
183 });
184 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(maLowRenderableSeries);
185 maLowRenderableSeries.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipColor = "red";
186 maLowRenderableSeries.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = "red";
187 maLowRenderableSeries.stroke = appTheme.VividPink;
188 maLowRenderableSeries.strokeThickness = 2;
190 // MA2 SERIES
191 const maHighDataSeries = new XyMovingAverageFilter(usdDataSeries, {
192 dataSeriesName: "MA 200 High",
193 length: 200,
194 field: EDataSeriesField.High,
195 });
196 const maHighRenderableSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
197 dataSeries: maHighDataSeries,
198 });
199 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(maHighRenderableSeries);
200 maHighRenderableSeries.stroke = appTheme.VividSkyBlue;
201 maHighRenderableSeries.strokeThickness = 2;
204 const yAxis2 = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
205 id: "yAxis2",
206 isVisible: false,
207 autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
208 growBy: new NumberRange(0, 3),
209 });
210 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(yAxis2);
212 const volumeRenderableSeries = new FastColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
213 yAxisId: "yAxis2",
214 dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
215 dataSeriesName: "Volume",
216 xValues: dateValues,
217 yValues: volumeValues,
218 }),
219 dataPointWidth: 0.5,
220 strokeThickness: 1,
221 paletteProvider: new VolumePaletteProvider(usdDataSeries, upCol + opacity, downCol + opacity),
222 });
223 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(volumeRenderableSeries);
225 // Add a watermark annotation
226 const watermarkAnnotation = new TextAnnotation({
227 x1: 0.5,
228 y1: 0.5,
229 xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
230 yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
231 horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Center,
232 verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
233 opacity: 0.17,
234 textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
235 fontSize: 48,
236 fontWeight: "Bold",
237 text: "Euro / U.S. Dollar - Daily",
238 });
239 sciChartSurface.annotations.add(watermarkAnnotation);
242 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier({ enableZoom: true }));
243 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier());
244 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier());
245 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
246 new RolloverModifier({
247 modifierGroup: "cursorGroup",
248 showTooltip: false,
249 tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
250 })
251 );
253 verticalGroup.addSurfaceToGroup(sciChartSurface);
255 return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
256 };
258 // CHART 2 - MACD
259 const drawMacdChart = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
260 const [{ wasmContext, sciChartSurface }, { dateValues, closeValues }] = await Promise.all([
261 SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
262 // prevent default size settings
263 disableAspect: true,
264 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
265 }),
266 dataPromise,
267 ]);
269 chart2XAxis = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
270 drawLabels: false,
271 drawMajorTickLines: false,
272 drawMinorTickLines: false,
273 });
274 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(chart2XAxis);
276 const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
277 autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
278 growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1),
279 axisAlignment,
280 labelPrecision: 2,
281 cursorLabelPrecision: 2,
282 labelStyle: { alignment: ELabelAlignment.Right },
283 });
284 yAxis.labelProvider.numericFormat = ENumericFormat.Decimal;
285 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(yAxis);
287 const macdArray: number[] = [];
288 const signalArray: number[] = [];
289 const divergenceArray: number[] = [];
290 for (let i = 0; i < dateValues.length; i++) {
291 const maSlow = calcAverageForArray(closeValues, 12, i);
292 const maFast = calcAverageForArray(closeValues, 25, i);
293 const macd = maSlow - maFast;
294 macdArray.push(macd);
295 const signal = calcAverageForArray(macdArray, 9, i);
296 signalArray.push(signal);
297 const divergence = macd - signal;
298 divergenceArray.push(divergence);
299 }
301 const bandSeries = new FastBandRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
302 dataSeries: new XyyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
303 dataSeriesName: "MACD",
304 xValues: dateValues,
305 yValues: signalArray,
306 y1Values: macdArray,
307 }),
308 stroke: downCol,
309 strokeY1: upCol,
310 fill: upCol + "77",
311 fillY1: downCol + "77",
312 });
313 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(bandSeries);
315 const columnSeries = new FastColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
316 dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
317 dataSeriesName: "Divergence",
318 xValues: dateValues,
319 yValues: divergenceArray,
320 }),
321 paletteProvider: new MacdHistogramPaletteProvider(upCol + "AA", downCol + "AA"),
322 dataPointWidth: 0.5,
323 });
324 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(columnSeries);
326 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
327 new ZoomPanModifier({ enableZoom: true, xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection })
328 );
329 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
330 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
331 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
332 new RolloverModifier({
333 modifierGroup: "cursorGroup",
334 showTooltip: false,
335 tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
336 })
337 );
339 verticalGroup.addSurfaceToGroup(sciChartSurface);
341 return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
342 };
344 // CHART 3 - RSI
345 const drawRsiChart = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
346 const [{ wasmContext, sciChartSurface }, { dateValues, closeValues }] = await Promise.all([
347 SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
348 // prevent default size settings
349 disableAspect: true,
350 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
351 }),
352 dataPromise,
353 ]);
355 chart3XAxis = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
356 autoRange: EAutoRange.Once,
357 labelProvider: new SmartDateLabelProvider(),
358 });
359 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(chart3XAxis);
361 const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
362 autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
363 growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1),
364 labelPrecision: 0,
365 cursorLabelPrecision: 0,
366 axisAlignment,
367 labelStyle: { alignment: ELabelAlignment.Right },
368 });
369 yAxis.labelProvider.numericFormat = ENumericFormat.Decimal;
370 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(yAxis);
372 const RSI_PERIOD = 14;
373 const rsiArray: number[] = [];
374 const gainArray: number[] = [];
375 const lossArray: number[] = [];
376 rsiArray.push(NaN);
377 gainArray.push(NaN);
378 lossArray.push(NaN);
379 for (let i = 1; i < dateValues.length; i++) {
380 const previousClose = closeValues[i - 1];
381 const currentClose = closeValues[i];
382 const gain = currentClose > previousClose ? currentClose - previousClose : 0;
383 gainArray.push(gain);
384 const loss = previousClose > currentClose ? previousClose - currentClose : 0;
385 lossArray.push(loss);
386 const relativeStrength =
387 calcAverageForArray(gainArray, RSI_PERIOD) / calcAverageForArray(lossArray, RSI_PERIOD);
388 const rsi = 100 - 100 / (1 + relativeStrength);
389 rsiArray.push(rsi);
390 }
391 const rsiRenderableSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
392 dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
393 dataSeriesName: "RSI",
394 xValues: dateValues,
395 yValues: rsiArray,
396 }),
397 stroke: appTheme.MutedBlue,
398 strokeThickness: 2,
399 });
400 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(rsiRenderableSeries);
402 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
403 new ZoomPanModifier({ enableZoom: true, xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection })
404 );
405 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
406 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
407 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
408 new RolloverModifier({
409 modifierGroup: "cursorGroup",
410 showTooltip: false,
411 tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
412 })
413 );
415 verticalGroup.addSurfaceToGroup(sciChartSurface);
417 return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
418 };
421 // Must be done after main chart creation
422 const drawOverview = (mainSurface: SciChartSurface) => async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
423 const overview = await SciChartOverview.create(mainSurface, rootElement, {
424 // prevent default size settings
425 disableAspect: true,
426 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
427 transformRenderableSeries: getOverviewSeries,
428 });
430 return { sciChartSurface: overview.overviewSciChartSurface };
431 };
433 const configureAfterInit = () => {
434 const synchronizeAxes = () => {
435 // TODO refactor using AxisSynchroniser
438 chart1XAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((data1) => {
439 chart2XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
440 chart3XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
441 });
442 chart2XAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((data1) => {
443 chart1XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
444 chart3XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
445 });
446 chart3XAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((data1) => {
447 chart1XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
448 chart2XAxis.visibleRange = data1.visibleRange;
449 });
450 };
452 synchronizeAxes();
454 // Force showing the latest 200 bars
455 const oneDay = 600; // One day in javascript Date() has a value of 600
456 const twoHundredDays = oneDay * 200; // 200 days in JS date
457 const twoHundredDaysSciChartFormat = twoHundredDays / 1000; // SciChart expects date.getTime() / 1000
458 chart1XAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(
459 chart1XAxis.visibleRange.max - twoHundredDaysSciChartFormat,
460 chart1XAxis.visibleRange.max
461 );
462 };
464 return { drawPriceChart, drawMacdChart, drawRsiChart, drawOverview, configureAfterInit };
468 * An example PaletteProvider applied to the volume column series. It will return green / red
469 * fills and strokes when the main price data bar is up or down
470 */
471class VolumePaletteProvider implements IStrokePaletteProvider, IFillPaletteProvider {
472 public readonly strokePaletteMode: EStrokePaletteMode = EStrokePaletteMode.SOLID;
473 public readonly fillPaletteMode: EFillPaletteMode = EFillPaletteMode.SOLID;
474 private priceData: OhlcDataSeries;
475 private volumeUpArgb: number;
476 private volumnDownArgb: number;
478 constructor(priceData: OhlcDataSeries, volumeUpColor: string, volumeDownColor: string) {
479 this.priceData = priceData;
480 this.volumeUpArgb = parseColorToUIntArgb(volumeUpColor);
481 this.volumnDownArgb = parseColorToUIntArgb(volumeDownColor);
482 }
484 onAttached(parentSeries: IRenderableSeries): void {}
486 onDetached(): void {}
488 overrideFillArgb(xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number): number {
489 const open = this.priceData.getNativeOpenValues().get(index);
490 const close = this.priceData.getNativeCloseValues().get(index);
492 return close >= open ? this.volumeUpArgb : this.volumnDownArgb;
493 }
495 overrideStrokeArgb(xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number): number {
496 return this.overrideFillArgb(xValue, yValue, index);
497 }
500// tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
501class MacdHistogramPaletteProvider implements IStrokePaletteProvider, IFillPaletteProvider {
502 public readonly strokePaletteMode: EStrokePaletteMode = EStrokePaletteMode.SOLID;
503 public readonly fillPaletteMode: EFillPaletteMode = EFillPaletteMode.SOLID;
504 private aboveZeroArgb: number;
505 private belowZeroArgb: number;
507 constructor(aboveZeroColor: string, belowZeroColor: string) {
508 this.aboveZeroArgb = parseColorToUIntArgb(aboveZeroColor);
509 this.belowZeroArgb = parseColorToUIntArgb(belowZeroColor);
510 }
512 onAttached(parentSeries: IRenderableSeries): void {}
514 onDetached(): void {}
516 overrideFillArgb(xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number): number {
517 return yValue >= 0 ? this.aboveZeroArgb : this.belowZeroArgb;
518 }
520 overrideStrokeArgb(xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number): number {
521 return this.overrideFillArgb(xValue, yValue, index);
522 }
Discover how to create a JavaScript Candlestick Chart or Stock Chart using SciChart.js. For high Performance JavaScript Charts, get your free demo now.
Easily create JavaScript OHLC Chart or Stock Chart using feature-rich SciChart.js chart library. Supports custom colors. Get your free trial now.
Create a JavaScript Realtime Ticking Candlestick / Stock Chart with live ticking and updating, using the high performance SciChart.js chart library. Get free demo now.
Create a JavaScript Multi-Pane Candlestick / Stock Chart with indicator panels, synchronized zooming, panning and cursors. Get your free trial of SciChart.js now.
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Demonstrates how to place Buy/Sell arrow markers on a JavaScript Stock Chart using SciChart.js - Annotations API
This demo shows you how to create a <strong>{frameworkName} User Annotated Stock Chart</strong> using SciChart.js. Custom modifiers allow you to add lines and markers, then use the built in serialisation functions to save and reload the chart, including the data and all your custom annotations.