JavaScript Chart Editable Annotations

Demonstrates how to edit Annotations (shapes, boxes, lines, text, horizontal and vertical line) to a JavaScript Chart using SciChart.js, High Performance JavaScript Charts








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1import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
2// import SciChartImage from "./scichart-logo-white.png";
3import {
4    SciChartSurface,
5    NumericAxis,
6    NumberRange,
7    ZoomPanModifier,
8    MouseWheelZoomModifier,
9    LineAnnotation,
10    HorizontalLineAnnotation,
11    VerticalLineAnnotation,
12    BoxAnnotation,
13    CustomAnnotation,
14    TextAnnotation,
15    EHorizontalAnchorPoint,
16    EVerticalAnchorPoint,
17    ECoordinateMode,
18    ELabelPlacement,
19    ZoomExtentsModifier,
20    EWrapTo,
21    NativeTextAnnotation,
22    AnnotationHoverEventArgs,
23    AnnotationHoverModifier,
24    AnnotationBase,
25    EHoverMode,
26    translateFromCanvasToSeriesViewRect,
27    DpiHelper,
28    GenericAnimation,
29    easing,
30    Thickness,
31    translateToNotScaled,
32    EAnnotationType,
33} from "scichart";
35const getImageAnnotation = (x1: number, y1: number, image: any, width: number, height: number): CustomAnnotation => {
36    return new CustomAnnotation({
37        x1,
38        y1,
39        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Top,
40        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
41        svgString: `<svg width="${width}" height="${height}" xmlns="" style="background-color:transparent">
42                        <image href="${image}" height="${height}" width="${width}"/>
43                    </svg>`,
44    });
47export const drawExample = (SciChartImage: string) => async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
48    const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
49        theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
50    });
52    // Create an X,Y axis
53    sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(
54        new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
55            visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10),
56        })
57    );
58    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(
59        new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
60            visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10),
61        })
62    );
64    const textColor = appTheme.ForegroundColor;
66    const text1 = new TextAnnotation({ text: "Editable Chart Annotations", fontSize: 24, x1: 0.3, y1: 9.7, textColor });
67    const text2 = new TextAnnotation({
68        text: "Click, Drag and Resize annotations with the mouse",
69        fontSize: 18,
70        x1: 0.5,
71        y1: 9,
72        textColor,
73    });
75    const horizontalLineAnnotation1 = new HorizontalLineAnnotation({
76        stroke: appTheme.VividOrange,
77        strokeThickness: 3,
78        y1: 5,
79        x1: 5,
80        showLabel: true,
81        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.TopLeft,
82        labelValue: "Not Editable",
83    });
84    const horizontalLineAnnotation2 = new HorizontalLineAnnotation({
85        stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
86        strokeThickness: 3,
87        y1: 4,
88        showLabel: true,
89        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.TopRight,
90        labelValue: "Draggable HorizontalLineAnnotation",
91        axisLabelFill: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
92        axisLabelStroke: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
93        isEditable: true,
94    });
96    const verticalLineAnnotation = new VerticalLineAnnotation({
97        stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
98        strokeThickness: 3,
99        x1: 9,
100        showLabel: true,
101        labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.TopRight,
102        labelValue: "Draggable VerticalLineAnnotation",
103        axisLabelFill: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
104        axisLabelStroke: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
105        isEditable: true,
106    });
108    const lineAnnotation = new LineAnnotation({
109        stroke: appTheme.VividOrange,
110        strokeThickness: 3,
111        x1: 5.5,
112        x2: 7.0,
113        y1: 6.0,
114        y2: 9.0,
115        isEditable: true,
116    });
118    const boxAnnotation = new BoxAnnotation({
119        stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
120        strokeThickness: 1,
121        fill: appTheme.VividSkyBlue + "33",
122        x1: 1.0,
123        x2: 4.0,
124        y1: 5.0,
125        y2: 7.0,
126        isEditable: true,
127    });
129    const imageAnnotation = getImageAnnotation(7, 7, SciChartImage, 241, 62);
130    imageAnnotation.isEditable = true;
132    const textAnnotation = new TextAnnotation({
133        x1: 1,
134        y1: 2,
135        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
136        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
137        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
138        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
139        textColor,
140        fontSize: 26,
141        fontFamily: "Arial",
142        text: "Unmovable text",
143        isEditable: false,
144    });
146    const hoverableTextAnnotation = new TextAnnotation({
147        x1: 1,
148        y1: 1,
149        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
150        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
151        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
152        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
153        textColor,
154        fontSize: 26,
155        fontFamily: "Arial",
156        text: "Hover me to select",
157        isEditable: true,
158        onHover: (args: AnnotationHoverEventArgs) => {
159            const { isHovered, sender } = args;
160            if (isHovered) {
161                // This sets isSelected on the target annotation
162                sender.parentSurface.adornerLayer.selectAnnotation(args.mouseArgs);
163            } else {
164                // this does not actually deselect the annotation on the surface
165                sender.isSelected = false;
166                // so we manually deselect it
167                sender.parentSurface.adornerLayer.deselectAnnotation(sender);
168            }
169        },
170    });
172    const textAnnotationSciChart = new TextAnnotation({
173        x1: 1,
174        y1: 3,
175        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
176        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
177        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
178        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
179        textColor,
180        fontSize: 26,
181        fontFamily: "Arial",
182        text: "Moveable TextAnnotation",
183        isEditable: true,
184    });
186    const nativetextWrap = new NativeTextAnnotation({
187        x1: 5,
188        x2: 9,
189        y1: 3,
190        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
191        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
192        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
193        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
194        textColor: appTheme.PalePurple,
195        fontSize: 24,
196        fontFamily: "Arial",
197        text: "Native Text Annotations support wordwrap.  Resize me!",
198        isEditable: true,
199        wrapTo: EWrapTo.Annotation,
200    });
202    const nativetextScale = new NativeTextAnnotation({
203        x1: 5,
204        x2: 9,
205        y1: 2,
206        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
207        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
208        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
209        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
210        textColor: appTheme.PalePurple,
211        fontSize: 24,
212        fontFamily: "Arial",
213        text: "Native Text Annotations can scale on resize.",
214        isEditable: true,
215        scaleOnResize: true,
216    });
218    const tooltipPreviewAnnotation = new TextAnnotation({
219        x1: 1,
220        y1: 8,
221        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
222        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
223        textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
224        fontSize: 16,
225        text: `Move mouse over an annotation to get a tooltip with its type.<tspan x="4" dy="1.2em">The tooltip itself is also an annotation.</tspan>`,
226        padding: Thickness.fromNumber(4),
227        background: "black",
228    });
230    const tooltipAnnotation = new TextAnnotation({
231        x1: 0,
232        y1: 0,
233        xCoordShift: 20,
234        yCoordShift: 20,
235        xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Pixel,
236        yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Pixel,
237        horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
238        verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Top,
239        textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
240        fontSize: 16,
241        text: "",
242        padding: Thickness.fromNumber(4),
243        background: "black",
244        isHidden: true,
245    });
247    sciChartSurface.annotations.add(
248        text1,
249        text2,
250        horizontalLineAnnotation1,
251        horizontalLineAnnotation2,
252        verticalLineAnnotation,
253        lineAnnotation,
254        boxAnnotation,
255        imageAnnotation,
256        textAnnotation,
257        textAnnotationSciChart,
258        nativetextWrap,
259        nativetextScale,
260        hoverableTextAnnotation,
261        // customAnnotation,
262        tooltipPreviewAnnotation,
263        tooltipAnnotation
264    );
266    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier({ enableZoom: true }));
267    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier());
268    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier());
270    let currentTooltipAnimation: GenericAnimation<number>;
271    const animateTooltip = () => {
272        currentTooltipAnimation?.cancel();
273        tooltipAnnotation.isHidden = true;
274        currentTooltipAnimation = new GenericAnimation<number>({
275            from: 0,
276            to: 1,
277            duration: 0,
278            delay: 500,
279            ease: easing.linear,
280            onAnimate: (from: number, to: number, progress) => {},
281            onCompleted: () => {
282                tooltipAnnotation.isHidden = false;
283            },
284        });
285        sciChartSurface.addAnimation(currentTooltipAnimation);
286    };
288    const annotationHoverModifier = new AnnotationHoverModifier({
289        // check hover on all annotations except the one used for tooltip
290        targets: (modifier) =>
291            modifier.parentSurface.annotations.asArray().filter((annotation) => annotation !== tooltipAnnotation),
292        // ignore tooltip annotation if it is overlapping with other
293        hoverMode: EHoverMode.TopmostIncluded,
294        // needed to update tooltip position when moving the cursor within an annotation
295        notifyPositionUpdate: true,
296        // manage tooltip visibility and position
297        onHover: (args) => {
298            const [hoveredAnnotation] = args.hoveredEntities as AnnotationBase[];
299            if (hoveredAnnotation) {
300                if (hoveredAnnotation.isEditable) {
301           = "grab";
302                }
303                if (hoveredAnnotation.isDraggingStarted) {
304                    tooltipAnnotation.isHidden = true;
305                    return;
306                }
308                const borders = tooltipAnnotation.getAnnotationBorders(true);
309                tooltipAnnotation.text = mapAnnotationTypeToName(hoveredAnnotation.type);
311                const handleAnnotationsOutsideSeriesViewRect = true;
312                const translatedMousePoint = translateFromCanvasToSeriesViewRect(
313                    args.mouseArgs.mousePoint,
314                    sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect,
315                    handleAnnotationsOutsideSeriesViewRect
316                );
317                tooltipAnnotation.x1 = translateToNotScaled(translatedMousePoint.x);
318                tooltipAnnotation.y1 = translateToNotScaled(translatedMousePoint.y);
320                // initial default offset from pointer
321                tooltipAnnotation.xCoordShift = 20;
322                const width = Math.abs(borders.x2 - borders.x1);
323                const expectedX2Coordinate = tooltipAnnotation.x1 + tooltipAnnotation.xCoordShift + width;
324                const unscaledViewWidth = translateToNotScaled(sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect.width);
325                if (expectedX2Coordinate > unscaledViewWidth) {
326                    tooltipAnnotation.xCoordShift = unscaledViewWidth - width - tooltipAnnotation.x1;
327                }
329                animateTooltip();
330            } else {
331       = "auto";
332                tooltipAnnotation.isHidden = true;
333                currentTooltipAnimation?.cancel();
334            }
335        },
336    });
338    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(annotationHoverModifier);
340    return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext };
343const mapAnnotationTypeToName = (type: EAnnotationType): string => {
344    switch (type) {
345        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextAxisMarkerAnnotation:
346            return "AxisMarkerAnnotation";
347        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextBoxAnnotation:
348            return "BoxAnnotation";
349        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextLineAnnotation:
350            return "LineAnnotation";
351        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextHorizontalLineAnnotation:
352            return "HorizontalLineAnnotation";
353        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextVerticalLineAnnotation:
354            return "VerticalLineAnnotation";
355        case EAnnotationType.SVGTextAnnotation:
356            return "TextAnnotation";
357        case EAnnotationType.RenderContextNativeTextAnnotation:
358            return "NativeTextAnnotation";
359        case EAnnotationType.SVGCustomAnnotation:
360            return "CustomAnnotation";
361        case EAnnotationType.SVG:
362            return "SvgAnnotation";
363        default: {
364            const handleInvalidType = (value: never): never => {
365                throw new Error(`Invalid annotation type: ${value}`);
366            };
367            return handleInvalidType(type);
368        }
369    }

See Also: Chart Annotations (6 Demos)

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