Demonstrates how to repurpose a Candlestick Series into dragabble, labled, event markers, using SciChart.js High Performance JavaScript Charts
1import {
3 BaseOhlcRenderableSeries,
4 CustomChartModifier2D,
5 DataLabelProvider,
6 DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider,
7 deleteSafe,
8 EAutoRange,
9 EAxisAlignment,
10 ECoordinateMode,
11 EHorizontalAnchorPoint,
12 EVerticalAnchorPoint,
13 EXyDirection,
14 FastCandlestickRenderableSeries,
15 FastLineRenderableSeries,
16 hitTestHelpers,
17 HitTestInfo,
18 IChartModifierBaseOptions,
19 IOhlcPointSeries,
20 LineAnnotation,
21 ModifierMouseArgs,
22 MouseWheelZoomModifier,
23 NumberRange,
24 NumericAxis,
25 OhlcDataSeries,
26 Point,
27 SciChartSurface,
28 SweepAnimation,
29 TextAnnotation,
30 translateFromCanvasToSeriesViewRect,
31 XyDataSeries,
32 ZoomExtentsModifier,
33 ZoomPanModifier,
34} from "scichart";
35import { RandomWalkGenerator } from "../../../ExampleData/RandomWalkGenerator";
36import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
38const EventXStep = 6;
40// A custom modifier that allows selection and editing of candles.
41class CandleDragModifier extends CustomChartModifier2D {
42 private series: BaseOhlcRenderableSeries;
43 private dataSeries: OhlcDataSeries;
44 private annotation: LineAnnotation;
45 private selectedIndex: number = -1;
47 public constructor(series: BaseOhlcRenderableSeries, options?: IChartModifierBaseOptions) {
48 super(options);
49 this.series = series;
50 this.dataSeries = series.dataSeries as OhlcDataSeries;
51 }
53 public override onAttach(): void {
54 super.onAttach();
55 // Create an annotation where only the selection box will be visible
56 this.annotation = new LineAnnotation({
57 xAxisId: this.series.xAxisId,
58 yAxisId: this.series.yAxisId,
59 strokeThickness: 0,
60 stroke: "transparent",
61 selectionBoxStroke: "#88888888",
62 isEditable: true,
63 resizeDirections: EXyDirection.YDirection,
64 });
65 // Update the selected data point when the annotation is dragged
66 this.annotation.dragDelta.subscribe((data) => {
67 if (this.selectedIndex >= 0) {
68 const x = this.dataSeries.getNativeXValues().get(this.selectedIndex);
69 const newX = x + Math.floor((this.annotation.x1 - x + EventXStep / 2) / EventXStep) * EventXStep;
70 // Do not allow close to be less than open as this breaks our custom hitTest
71 this.dataSeries.updateXohlc(
72 this.selectedIndex,
73 newX,
74 this.annotation.y1,
75 Math.max(this.annotation.y1 + 5, this.annotation.y2),
76 this.annotation.y1,
77 Math.max(this.annotation.y1 + 5, this.annotation.y2),
78 this.dataSeries.getMetadataAt(this.selectedIndex)
79 );
80 }
81 });
82 // Manually set the selected status of the point using metadata. This will drive the DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider
83 this.annotation.selectedChanged.subscribe((data) => {
84 this.dataSeries.getMetadataAt(this.selectedIndex).isSelected = data;
85 });
86 this.parentSurface.modifierAnnotations.add(this.annotation);
87 }
89 public override onDetach(): void {
90 this.parentSurface.modifierAnnotations.remove(this.annotation);
91 this.annotation = deleteSafe(this.annotation);
92 }
94 public override modifierMouseUp(args: ModifierMouseArgs): void {
95 const point = args.mousePoint;
96 const hitTestInfo = this.series.hitTestProvider.hitTest(point.x, point.y, 0);
97 if (hitTestInfo.isHit) {
98 if (this.selectedIndex >= 0 && this.selectedIndex !== hitTestInfo.dataSeriesIndex) {
99 this.dataSeries.getMetadataAt(this.selectedIndex).isSelected = false;
100 }
101 // Place the annotation over the selected box
102 this.selectedIndex = hitTestInfo.dataSeriesIndex;
103 this.annotation.x1 = hitTestInfo.xValue;
104 this.annotation.x2 = hitTestInfo.xValue;
105 this.annotation.y1 = hitTestInfo.openValue;
106 this.annotation.y2 = hitTestInfo.closeValue;
107 // Make the annotation selected. Both these lines are required.
108 this.annotation.isSelected = true;
109 this.dataSeries.getMetadataAt(this.selectedIndex).isSelected = true;
110 this.parentSurface.adornerLayer.selectedAnnotation = this.annotation;
111 }
112 }
115export const drawExample = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
116 // Create a SciChartSurface
117 const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
118 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
119 });
121 const POINTS = 1000;
123 // Create an XAxis and YAxis
124 const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, POINTS) });
125 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(xAxis);
126 const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
127 axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
128 growBy: new NumberRange(0.05, 0.05),
129 });
130 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(yAxis);
132 // Create arrays of x, y values (just arrays of numbers)
133 const { xValues, yValues } = new RandomWalkGenerator().getRandomWalkSeries(POINTS);
135 // Create a line Series and add to the chart
136 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(
137 new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
138 dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues, yValues }),
139 stroke: AUTO_COLOR,
140 strokeThickness: 3,
141 animation: new SweepAnimation({ duration: 500, fadeEffect: true }),
142 })
143 );
145 // Hidden axes for event series
146 const eventXAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
147 id: "EventX",
148 visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 100),
149 autoRange: EAutoRange.Never,
150 axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
151 isVisible: false,
152 zoomExtentsToInitialRange: true,
153 flippedCoordinates: true,
154 });
155 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(eventXAxis);
156 const eventYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
157 id: "EventY",
158 axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Bottom,
159 isVisible: false,
160 flippedCoordinates: true,
161 });
162 // Sync the event y axis to the main x axis
163 xAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((data) => (eventYAxis.visibleRange = data.visibleRange));
164 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(eventYAxis);
166 const eventDataSeries = new OhlcDataSeries(wasmContext);
167 // Create event data. Prevent overlap of events
168 const rows = new Map<number, number>();
169 const EVENTCOUNT = 30;
170 let start = 0;
171 for (let i = 0; i < EVENTCOUNT; i++) {
172 start = start + Math.random() * ((2 * POINTS) / EVENTCOUNT);
173 const end = start + 1 + Math.random() * ((2 * POINTS) / EVENTCOUNT);
174 let row = 80;
175 if (i === 0) {
176 rows.set(row, end);
177 } else {
178 let last = rows.get(row);
179 while (last > start) {
180 row -= EventXStep;
181 last = rows.get(row) ?? 0;
182 }
183 rows.set(row, end);
184 }
185 eventDataSeries.append(row, start, end, start, end, { isSelected: false });
186 }
188 // FastCandlestickRenderableSeries does not have a DataLabelProvider by default
189 const dataLabelProvider = new DataLabelProvider({ style: { fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: 14 }, color: "white" });
190 dataLabelProvider.getPosition = (state, textBounds) => {
191 const xVal = (state.renderPassData.pointSeries as IOhlcPointSeries).openValues.get(state.index);
192 const xCoord = state.renderPassData.yCoordinateCalculator.getCoordinate(xVal);
193 const yCoord = state.yCoord() + textBounds.m_fHeight / 2;
194 return new Point(xCoord, yCoord);
195 };
196 dataLabelProvider.getText = (state) => {
197 const open = (state.renderPassData.pointSeries as IOhlcPointSeries).openValues.get(state.index);
198 const close = (state.renderPassData.pointSeries as IOhlcPointSeries).closeValues.get(state.index);
199 return (close - open).toFixed(1);
200 };
202 // Create the event series
203 const eventSeries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
204 dataSeries: eventDataSeries,
205 dataPointWidth: 30, // Normally this would be invalid but it is passed to the override below
206 xAxisId: "EventX",
207 yAxisId: "EventY",
208 dataLabelProvider,
209 paletteProvider: new DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider({ fill: "ff0000cc" }),
210 });
211 // use fixed pixel width
212 eventSeries.getDataPointWidth = (coordCalc, widthFraction) => widthFraction;
213 // custom hitTest that works with multiple candles on the same x value
214 eventSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTest = (x, y, hitTestRadius) => {
215 const hitTestPoint = translateFromCanvasToSeriesViewRect(new Point(x, y), sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect);
216 if (!hitTestPoint) {
217 return HitTestInfo.empty();
218 }
219 let nearestIndex = -1;
220 const halfWidth = eventSeries.dataPointWidth / 2; // Only works here because we are using fixed width
221 const xHitCoord = hitTestPoint.y; // Because vertical chart
222 const yHitCoord = hitTestPoint.x;
223 const xValues = eventDataSeries.getNativeXValues();
224 const openValues = eventDataSeries.getNativeOpenValues();
225 const closeValues = eventDataSeries.getNativeCloseValues();
226 const xCoordinateCalculator = eventXAxis.getCurrentCoordinateCalculator();
227 const yCoordinateCalculator = eventYAxis.getCurrentCoordinateCalculator();
228 for (let i = 0; i < eventDataSeries.count(); i++) {
229 const xCoord = xCoordinateCalculator.getCoordinate(xValues.get(i));
230 const dx = Math.abs(xCoord - xHitCoord);
231 // Half data point width
232 if (dx <= halfWidth) {
233 const openCoord = yCoordinateCalculator.getCoordinate(openValues.get(i));
234 const closeCoord = yCoordinateCalculator.getCoordinate(closeValues.get(i));
235 if (openCoord <= yHitCoord && yHitCoord <= closeCoord) {
236 nearestIndex = i;
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 if (nearestIndex > -1) {
241 const hitTestInfo = hitTestHelpers.createHitTestInfo(
242 eventSeries,
243 xCoordinateCalculator,
244 yCoordinateCalculator,
245 true,
246 eventDataSeries,
247 xValues,
248 closeValues,
249 xHitCoord,
250 yHitCoord,
251 nearestIndex,
252 hitTestRadius
253 );
254 hitTestInfo.isHit = true;
255 hitTestInfo.openValue = openValues.get(nearestIndex);
256 hitTestInfo.highValue = eventDataSeries.getNativeHighValues().get(nearestIndex);
257 hitTestInfo.lowValue = eventDataSeries.getNativeLowValues().get(nearestIndex);
258 hitTestInfo.closeValue = closeValues.get(nearestIndex);
259 return hitTestInfo;
260 } else {
261 return HitTestInfo.empty();
262 }
263 };
265 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(eventSeries);
267 // Add modifiers
268 sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(
269 // Use manual zoomExtents behaviour to prevent it zooming the event axes
270 new ZoomExtentsModifier({
271 onZoomExtents: (sciChartSurface: SciChartSurface) => {
272 xAxis.visibleRange = xAxis.getMaximumRange();
273 yAxis.visibleRange = yAxis.getMaximumRange();
274 // false here prevents default behaviour
275 return false;
276 },
277 }),
278 new MouseWheelZoomModifier({ excludedYAxisIds: ["EventY"], excludedXAxisIds: ["EventX"] }),
279 new ZoomPanModifier({ excludedXAxisIds: ["EventX"] }),
280 new CandleDragModifier(eventSeries)
281 );
283 // Add instructions
284 sciChartSurface.annotations.add(
285 new TextAnnotation({
286 x1: 0.01,
287 y1: 0.03,
288 xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
289 yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
290 horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Left,
291 verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Top,
292 text: "The boxes are rendered with a fast candlestick series, but can be selected and dragged like an annotation.",
293 textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor + "77",
294 })
295 );
297 xAxis.visibleRange = xAxis.getMaximumRange();
299 return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
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