React Column 3D Chart

The SciChart.js React 3D Column Chart uses uses XYZ data and can show sparse or grid based columns, with indivdual column coloring and a variety of column shapes.

Data-point width 1








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1import {
2    SciChart3DSurface,
3    CameraController,
4    Vector3,
5    EWatermarkPosition,
6    MouseWheelZoomModifier3D,
7    OrbitModifier3D,
8    NumericAxis3D,
9    HeatmapLegend,
10    TSciChart3D,
11    XyzDataSeries3D,
12    parseColorToTArgb,
13    CubePointMarker3D,
14    PyramidPointMarker3D,
15    SpherePointMarker3D,
16    CylinderPointMarker3D,
17    ColumnRenderableSeries3D,
18    toHex,
19    TArgb,
20    parseColorToUIntArgb,
21    TSciChart,
22} from "scichart";
23import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
25export enum EColumn3DType {
26    CylinderPointMarker3D = "Cylinder",
27    CubePointMarker3D = "Cube",
28    PyramidPointMarker3D = "Pyramid",
29    SpherePointMarker3D = "Sphere",
32export enum EColumnColorMode {
33    X = "X",
34    XZ = "XZ",
35    Height = "Height",
36    Series = "Series",
39export async function drawExample(divElementId: string | HTMLDivElement) {
40    const { sciChart3DSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChart3DSurface.create(divElementId, {
41        theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
42    });
44 = new CameraController(wasmContext, {
45        position: new Vector3(-300, 300, -300),
46        target: new Vector3(0, 50, 0),
47    });
48    sciChart3DSurface.watermarkPosition = EWatermarkPosition.TopLeft;
49    sciChart3DSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier3D());
50    sciChart3DSurface.chartModifiers.add(new OrbitModifier3D());
51    // sciChart3DSurface.chartModifiers.add(new TooltipModifier3D({ showTooltip: true, crosshairStroke: 'green', crosshairStrokeThickness: 2 }));
53    sciChart3DSurface.xAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "X Axis" });
54    sciChart3DSurface.yAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Y Axis" });
55    sciChart3DSurface.zAxis = new NumericAxis3D(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Z Axis" });
57    const dataSeries = new XyzDataSeries3D(wasmContext);
58    // size in the point marker is ignored, use dataPointWidthX and dataPointWidthZ instead!
59    const series = new ColumnRenderableSeries3D(wasmContext, {
60        dataSeries,
61        pointMarker: createPointMarker3D(wasmContext, EColumn3DType.CylinderPointMarker3D, appTheme.VividOrange),
62        dataPointWidthX: 0.9,
63        dataPointWidthZ: 0.9,
64        useMetadataColors: true,
65    });
67    const updateData = (colorMode: EColumnColorMode, update: boolean) => {
68        const startX = 0;
69        const stepX = 1;
70        const countX = 10;
71        const startZ = 0;
72        const stepZ = 1;
73        const countZ = 30;
74        const minY = 0;
75        const maxY = 40;
76        const startColor = parseColorToTArgb(appTheme.VividTeal);
77        const endColor = parseColorToTArgb(appTheme.VividPink);
79        let i = 0;
80        for (let xIndex = 0; xIndex < countX; xIndex++) {
81            const x = startX + xIndex * stepX;
82            for (let zIndex = 0; zIndex < countZ; zIndex++) {
83                const z = startZ + zIndex * stepZ;
84                let y: number;
85                if (update) {
86                    y = dataSeries.getNativeYValues().get(i);
87                } else {
88                    y = Math.random() * maxY * (x / (2 * countX) + 0.5);
89                }
91                let vertexColor: number;
92                let c: number;
93                let cmax: number;
94                if (colorMode === EColumnColorMode.Height) {
95                    vertexColor = colorInterpolation(startColor, endColor, minY, maxY, y);
96                } else if (colorMode === EColumnColorMode.X) {
97                    c = x;
98                    cmax = countX;
99                    vertexColor = parseColorToUIntArgb(
100                        appTheme.SciChartJsTheme.getStrokeColor(c, cmax, wasmContext as unknown as TSciChart)
101                    );
102                } else if (colorMode === EColumnColorMode.XZ) {
103                    c = x * z;
104                    cmax = countX * countZ;
105                    vertexColor = parseColorToUIntArgb(
106                        appTheme.SciChartJsTheme.getStrokeColor(c, cmax, wasmContext as unknown as TSciChart)
107                    );
108                }
109                series.useMetadataColors = colorMode !== EColumnColorMode.Series;
111                if (update) {
112                    dataSeries.update(i, x, y, z, { vertexColor, pointScale: 1 });
113                } else {
114                    dataSeries.append(x, y, z, { vertexColor, pointScale: 1 });
115                }
116                i += 1;
117            }
118        }
119    };
120    sciChart3DSurface.renderableSeries.add(series);
121    updateData(EColumnColorMode.X, false);
123    const updateColors = (colorMode: EColumnColorMode) => {
124        updateData(colorMode, true);
125    };
127    const updatePointMarker = (type: EColumn3DType) => {
128        series.pointMarker = createPointMarker3D(wasmContext, type, appTheme.VividOrange);
129    };
131    return { sciChartSurface: sciChart3DSurface, controls: { updateColors, updatePointMarker } };
134export function createPointMarker3D(wasmContext: TSciChart3D, type: EColumn3DType, fill: string) {
135    switch (type) {
136        case EColumn3DType.CubePointMarker3D:
137            return new CubePointMarker3D(wasmContext, { fill });
138        case EColumn3DType.PyramidPointMarker3D:
139            return new PyramidPointMarker3D(wasmContext, { fill });
140        case EColumn3DType.SpherePointMarker3D:
141            return new SpherePointMarker3D(wasmContext, { fill });
142        default:
143            return new CylinderPointMarker3D(wasmContext, { fill });
144    }
147export function colorInterpolation(startColor: TArgb, endColor: TArgb, startY: number, endY: number, currentY: number) {
148    const redValue = Math.floor(lerpFn(startY, endY,,, currentY));
149    const greenValue = Math.floor(lerpFn(startY, endY,,, currentY));
150    const blueValue = Math.floor(lerpFn(startY, endY,,, currentY));
152    const hexStr = "0x" + toHex(255) + toHex(redValue) + toHex(greenValue) + toHex(blueValue);
153    return parseInt(hexStr, 16);
156function lerpFn(minY: number, maxY: number, minColor: number, maxColor: number, v: number) {
157    return minColor + ((v - minY) * (maxColor - minColor)) / (maxY - minY);

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