JavaScript Multi-Pane Stock Charts using Subcharts

Using the new Sub-Charts API, create a multi-pane stock chart example with indicator panels on a single WebGL chart surface. This allows for higher-performance since the WebGL context is shared. Zooming, panning, cursors are synchronised between the charts.










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1import {
2    SciChartSurface,
3    EDataSeriesType,
4    OhlcDataSeries,
5    XyyDataSeries,
6    CoordinateCalculatorBase,
7    EAnnotationType,
8    ISvgAnnotationBaseOptions,
9    SvgAnnotationBase,
10} from "scichart";
12export type TFinanceLegendTemplate = (legendAnnotation: FinChartLegendAnnotation) => string;
14export interface IFinChartLegendAnnotationOptions extends ISvgAnnotationBaseOptions {
15    template?: TFinanceLegendTemplate;
16    xIndex?: number;
17    paneId?: string;
18    offsetX?: number;
19    offsetY?: number;
20    title?: string;
24 * A Tooltip Annotation which provides an SVG tooltip over the chart. Used by the {@link RolloverModifier}
25 */
26export class FinChartLegendAnnotation extends SvgAnnotationBase {
27    /** @inheritDoc */
28    public readonly type = EAnnotationType.SVG;
29    public readonly sciFinanceChart: SciChartSurface;
30    private templateProperty: TFinanceLegendTemplate = defaultFinanceLegendTemplate;
31    private xIndexProperty: number;
32    private paneIdProperty: string;
33    private offsetXProperty: number;
34    private offsetYProperty: number;
35    private activeSciChartSurfaceProperty: SciChartSurface;
36    private titleProperty: string = "Default Title";
38    /**
39     * Creates an instance of the {@link FinChartLegendAnnotation}
40     * @param sciFinanceChart
41     * @param options
42     */
43    constructor(sciFinanceChart: SciChartSurface, options?: IFinChartLegendAnnotationOptions) {
44        super(options);
45        this.sciFinanceChart = sciFinanceChart;
46        this.isHidden = true;
47        this.templateProperty = options?.template ?? this.templateProperty;
48        this.xIndexProperty = options?.xIndex ?? this.xIndexProperty;
49        this.paneIdProperty = options?.paneId ?? this.paneIdProperty;
50        this.offsetXProperty = options?.offsetX ?? this.offsetXProperty;
51        this.offsetYProperty = options?.offsetY ?? this.offsetYProperty;
52        this.titleProperty = options?.title ?? this.titleProperty;
53    }
55    public get template() {
56        return this.templateProperty;
57    }
59    public set template(value) {
60        this.templateProperty = value;
61    }
63    public get xIndex() {
64        return this.xIndexProperty;
65    }
67    public set xIndex(value) {
68        this.xIndexProperty = value;
69    }
71    public get paneId() {
72        return this.paneIdProperty;
73    }
75    public set paneId(value) {
76        this.paneIdProperty = value;
77    }
79    public get offsetX() {
80        return this.offsetXProperty;
81    }
83    public set offsetX(value) {
84        this.offsetXProperty = value;
85    }
87    public get offsetY() {
88        return this.offsetYProperty;
89    }
91    public set offsetY(value) {
92        this.offsetYProperty = value;
93    }
95    public get activeSciChartSurface() {
96        return this.activeSciChartSurfaceProperty;
97    }
99    public set activeSciChartSurface(value) {
100        this.activeSciChartSurfaceProperty = value;
101    }
103    public get title() {
104        return this.titleProperty;
105    }
107    public set title(value) {
108        this.titleProperty = value;
109    }
111    public update(xCalc: CoordinateCalculatorBase, yCalc: CoordinateCalculatorBase): void {
112        if (this.svg) {
113            this.delete();
114        }
115        this.create(xCalc, yCalc);
116    }
118    protected create(xCalc: CoordinateCalculatorBase, yCalc: CoordinateCalculatorBase) {
119        if (this.template) {
120            this.xIndex = this.isMouseOverSeriesArea ? Math.round(xCalc.getDataValue(this.x1)) : undefined;
121            if (this.xIndex === undefined) {
122                return;
123            }
124            const svgString = this.template(this);
125            const svgNode = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(svgString);
126            this.svgRoot.appendChild(svgNode);
127            this.setSvg(this.svgRoot.lastChild as SVGElement);
128            this.svg.setAttribute("x", this.offsetX.toString());
129            this.svg.setAttribute("y", this.offsetY.toString());
130        }
131    }
133    private get isMouseOverSeriesArea() {
134        return this.activeSciChartSurface;
135    }
138/** @ignore */
139const defaultFinanceLegendTemplate: TFinanceLegendTemplate = (la: FinChartLegendAnnotation): string => {
140    const outputStrings: string[] = [];
141    const subSurface = la.sciFinanceChart.subCharts.find((study) => === la.paneId);
142    let outputStr = "";
143    subSurface.renderableSeries.asArray().forEach(({ dataSeries }) => {
144        switch (dataSeries.type) {
145            case EDataSeriesType.Ohlc: {
146                const openValues = (dataSeries as OhlcDataSeries).getNativeOpenValues();
147                const highValues = (dataSeries as OhlcDataSeries).getNativeHighValues();
148                const lowValues = (dataSeries as OhlcDataSeries).getNativeLowValues();
149                const closeValues = (dataSeries as OhlcDataSeries).getNativeCloseValues();
151                const openValue = openValues.get(la.xIndex);
152                const highValue = highValues.get(la.xIndex);
153                const lowValue = lowValues.get(la.xIndex);
154                const closeValue = closeValues.get(la.xIndex);
156                outputStr += `${dataSeries.dataSeriesName} O: ${openValue} H: ${highValue} L: ${lowValue} C: ${closeValue}`;
157                break;
158            }
160            case EDataSeriesType.Xyy: {
161                const yValues = dataSeries.getNativeYValues();
162                const y1Values = (dataSeries as XyyDataSeries).getNativeY1Values();
163                const yValue = yValues.get(la.xIndex).toFixed(4);
164                const y1Value = y1Values.get(la.xIndex).toFixed(4);
165                outputStr += `${dataSeries.dataSeriesName} Y: ${yValue} Y1: ${y1Value}`;
167                break;
168            }
170            default: {
171                const yValues = dataSeries.getNativeYValues();
172                const yValue = yValues.get(la.xIndex).toFixed(4);
173                outputStr += `${dataSeries.dataSeriesName}: ${yValue}`;
174            }
175        }
177        if (outputStr) {
178            outputStrings.push(outputStr);
179            outputStr = "";
180        }
181    });
183    let outputSvgString = "";
184    outputStrings.forEach((outputStr, index) => {
185        const y = 30 + index * 20;
186        outputSvgString += `<text x="8" y="${y}" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="lightblue">${outputStr}</text>`;
187    });
188    return `<svg width="800" height="200">
189        <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#00000000" stroke="#00000000" stroke-width="2" />
190        <svg width="100%">
191            ${outputSvgString}
192        </svg>
193    </svg>`;

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SciChart Ltd, 16 Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, Docklands, London, E14 9XL.