Image labels

Demonstrates how to use Images as Labels using SciChart.js, High Performance JavaScript Charts








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1import {
2    XyDataSeries,
3    TTextStyle,
4    NumericAxis,
5    FastColumnRenderableSeries,
6    SciChartSurface,
7    TextureManager,
8    EAutoRange,
9    ENumericFormat,
10    createImagesArrayAsync,
11    EFillPaletteMode,
12    EStrokePaletteMode,
13    IFillPaletteProvider,
14    IStrokePaletteProvider,
15    parseColorToUIntArgb,
16    IRenderableSeries,
17    IPointMetadata,
18    PaletteFactory,
19    GradientParams,
20    Point,
21    WaveAnimation,
22    NumberRange,
23    TextAnnotation,
24    EHorizontalAnchorPoint,
25    ECoordinateMode,
26} from "scichart";
27import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
29export const drawExample = (emojiUrls: string[]) => async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
30    // Dataset = 'percentage market share of phones, 2022'
31    const dataset = [
32        { name: "Apple", percent: 28.41 },
33        { name: "Samsung", percent: 28.21 },
34        { name: "Xiaomi", percent: 12.73 },
35        { name: "Huawei", percent: 5.27 },
36        { name: "Oppo", percent: 5.53 },
37        { name: "Vivo", percent: 4.31 },
38        { name: "Realme", percent: 3.16 },
39        { name: "Motorola", percent: 2.33 },
40        { name: "Unknown", percent: 2.19 },
41        { name: "LG", percent: 0.85 },
42        { name: "OnePlus", percent: 1.11 },
43        { name: "Tecno", percent: 1.09 },
44        { name: "Infinix", percent: 0.96 },
45        { name: "Google", percent: 0.77 },
46        { name: "Nokia", percent: 0.45 },
47    ];
48    // Create the SciChartSurface with theme
49    const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
50        theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
51    });
53    const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
54        // Ensure there can be 1 label per item in the dataset.
55        // Also see major/minor delta in the docs
56        maxAutoTicks: 15,
57        axisTitle: "Mobile phone manufacturer",
58        growBy: new NumberRange(0.02, 0.02),
59    });
60    // We need the data value as plain text
61    xAxis.labelProvider.numericFormat = ENumericFormat.NoFormat;
63    // SciChart utility function to create HtmlImage elements from urls
64    const emojies = await createImagesArrayAsync(emojiUrls);
66    // Override labelProvider.getLabelTexture() to return animage
67    const getLabelTexture = (labelText: string, textureManager: TextureManager, labelStyle: TTextStyle) => {
68        const index = parseInt(labelText);
69        if (!isNaN(index)) {
70            const emoji = emojies[index];
71            if (emoji) {
72                return textureManager.createTextureFromImage(emoji, 40, 40);
73            }
74        }
75        return textureManager.createTextTexture([labelText], labelStyle);
76    };
77    xAxis.labelProvider.getLabelTexture = getLabelTexture;
79    // If using asyncLabels = true, override this as well
80    xAxis.labelProvider.getLabelTextureAsync = (
81        labelText: string,
82        textureManager: TextureManager,
83        labelStyle: TTextStyle
84    ) => Promise.resolve(getLabelTexture(labelText, textureManager, labelStyle));
86    // Disable shared cache for this provider, otherwise other axes might pick up the emoji textures
87    xAxis.labelProvider.useSharedCache = false;
89    sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(xAxis);
91    // Create a Y-Axis with standard properties
92    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(
93        new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
94            autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
95            axisTitle: "Market Share (%)",
96            growBy: new NumberRange(0, 0.1),
97            labelPostfix: " %",
98        })
99    );
101    // Add a column series.
102    sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(
103        new FastColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
104            // Name index to xvalue for category axis
105            // Map percentage to yvalue
106            // store the manufacturer name in the metadata (used to generate colors)
107            dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
108                xValues:, index) => index),
109                yValues: => row.percent),
110            }),
111            strokeThickness: 0,
112            // // Optional datalabels on series. To enable set a style and position
113            // dataLabels: {
114            //     horizontalTextPosition: EHorizontalTextPosition.Center,
115            //     verticalTextPosition: EVerticalTextPosition.Top,
116            //     style: { fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: 16, padding: new Thickness(0,0,20,0) },
117            //     color: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
118            // },
119            // each column occupies 50% of available space
120            dataPointWidth: 0.5,
121            // add a gradient fill in X (why not?)
122            paletteProvider: PaletteFactory.createGradient(
123                wasmContext,
124                new GradientParams(new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), [
125                    { offset: 0, color: appTheme.VividPink },
126                    { offset: 0.2, color: appTheme.VividOrange },
127                    { offset: 0.3, color: appTheme.MutedRed },
128                    { offset: 0.5, color: appTheme.VividGreen },
129                    { offset: 0.7, color: appTheme.VividSkyBlue },
130                    { offset: 0.9, color: appTheme.Indigo },
131                    { offset: 1, color: appTheme.DarkIndigo },
132                ]),
133                { enableFill: true, enableStroke: true }
134            ),
135            // Bit more eye candy ;)
136            animation: new WaveAnimation({ duration: 1000 }),
137        })
138    );
140    // Add title annotation
141    sciChartSurface.annotations.add(
142        new TextAnnotation({
143            text: "Mobile Phone manufacturer market share (2022)",
144            fontSize: 20,
145            textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
146            x1: 0.5,
147            y1: 0,
148            opacity: 0.77,
149            horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Center,
150            xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
151            yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
152        })
153    );
155    sciChartSurface.zoomExtents();
156    return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext };
159export class EmojiPaletteProvider implements IStrokePaletteProvider, IFillPaletteProvider {
160    public readonly strokePaletteMode = EStrokePaletteMode.SOLID;
161    public readonly fillPaletteMode = EFillPaletteMode.SOLID;
162    private readonly pfYellow = parseColorToUIntArgb("FFCC4D");
163    private readonly pfBlue = parseColorToUIntArgb("5DADEC");
164    private readonly pfOrange = parseColorToUIntArgb("F58E01");
165    private readonly pfRed = parseColorToUIntArgb("DE2A43");
166    private readonly pfPink = parseColorToUIntArgb("FE7891");
168    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty
169    public onAttached(parentSeries: IRenderableSeries): void {}
171    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty
172    public onDetached(): void {}
174    public overrideFillArgb(xValue: number, yValue: number, index: number): number {
175        if (xValue === 0 || xValue === 4 || xValue === 8) {
176            return this.pfYellow;
177        } else if (xValue === 1 || xValue === 7) {
178            return this.pfBlue;
179        } else if (xValue === 2 || xValue === 5) {
180            return this.pfOrange;
181        } else if (xValue === 3 || xValue === 6) {
182            return this.pfRed;
183        } else if (xValue === 9) {
184            return this.pfPink;
185        } else {
186            return undefined;
187        }
188    }
190    public overrideStrokeArgb(
191        xValue: number,
192        yValue: number,
193        index: number,
194        opacity?: number,
195        metadata?: IPointMetadata
196    ): number {
197        return undefined;
198    }

See Also: Axis Label Customization (2 Demos)

Multi-line and Rotated Text labels | SciChart.js Demo

Multi-line and Rotated Text labels

Demonstrates how to use arbitrary text for axis labels, rather than formatted data values, using the new TextLabelProvider

Rotated Labels and Alignment | SciChart.js Demo

Rotated Labels and Alignment

Rotate to create vertical axis labels and fit more on an axis

SciChart Ltd, 16 Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, Docklands, London, E14 9XL.