Demonstrates how to add Hit-Test on click behavior to a chart using SciChart.js, High Performance JavaScript Charts
1import { appTheme } from "../../../theme";
2import { visualiseHitTestPoint } from "./visualizeHitTest";
4import {
5 SciChartSurface,
6 NumericAxis,
7 EAxisAlignment,
8 NumberRange,
9 FastLineRenderableSeries,
10 XyDataSeries,
11 EllipsePointMarker,
12 HitTestInfo,
13 DpiHelper,
14 TextAnnotation,
15 EHorizontalAnchorPoint,
16 EVerticalAnchorPoint,
17 ECoordinateMode,
18 EAnnotationLayer,
19 EMultiLineAlignment,
20 ETextAlignment,
21 Thickness,
22 NativeTextAnnotation,
23} from "scichart";
25// This method hit-tests the series body
26export const HIT_TEST = "hitTest";
27// This method hit-tests the nearest data-point
28export const HIT_TEST_DATAPOINT = "hitTestDataPoint";
29// This method hit-tests by searching first in X, then Y
30export const HIT_TEST_X_SLICE = "hitTestXSlice";
32export const drawExample = async (rootElement: string | HTMLDivElement) => {
33 // Which hit-test method are we using? See below for usage
34 let whichHitTestMethod = HIT_TEST_DATAPOINT;
36 // Create a SciChartSurface with theme
37 const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(rootElement, {
38 theme: appTheme.SciChartJsTheme,
39 title: [
40 "Click on the chart to demonstrate Hit-Test API",
41 "Change the Hit-Test method above to see the different behaviours",
42 ],
43 titleStyle: {
44 fontSize: 16,
45 placeWithinChart: true,
46 alignment: ETextAlignment.Left,
47 multilineAlignment: EMultiLineAlignment.Left,
48 color: appTheme.ForegroundColor + "C4",
49 padding: Thickness.fromString("13 4 0 9"),
50 },
51 });
53 // add an event listener for mouse down. You can access the actual SciChartSurface canvas as
54 // follows
55 sciChartSurface.domCanvas2D.addEventListener("mousedown", (mouseEvent) => {
56 // Translate the point to the series viewrect before hit-testing
57 // Attention!
58 // We need to multiply it by DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO
59 // DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO is used for High DPI and Retina screen support and also for the browser scaling
60 const mousePointX = mouseEvent.offsetX * DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO;
61 const mousePointY = mouseEvent.offsetY * DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO;
62 // const translatedPoint = translateFromCanvasToSeriesViewRect(mousePoint, sciChartSurface.seriesViewRect);
63 const HIT_TEST_RADIUS = 10 * DpiHelper.PIXEL_RATIO;
65 // call renderableSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTest passing in the mouse point
66 // other parameters determine the type of hit-test operation to perform
67 // There are three hit-test methods which have different outcomes. We let the user choose
68 let hitTestInfo: HitTestInfo;
69 if (whichHitTestMethod === HIT_TEST_DATAPOINT) {
70 // Hit-test the nearest data-point, searching first in X, then Y
71 hitTestInfo = lineSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTestDataPoint(mousePointX, mousePointY, HIT_TEST_RADIUS);
72 }
73 if (whichHitTestMethod === HIT_TEST_X_SLICE) {
74 // Hit-test the nearest data-point in X only (imagine a vertical slice on the chart)
75 hitTestInfo = lineSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTestXSlice(mousePointX, mousePointY, HIT_TEST_RADIUS);
76 }
77 if (whichHitTestMethod === HIT_TEST) {
78 // Hit-test in two-dimensions (slowest method but finds the nearest data-point by distance)
79 hitTestInfo = lineSeries.hitTestProvider.hitTest(mousePointX, mousePointY, HIT_TEST_RADIUS);
80 }
82 // Log the result to console. HitTestInfo contains information about the hit-test operation
83 console.log(
84 `${hitTestInfo.dataSeriesName} hit test result (${whichHitTestMethod}):\r\n` +
85 ` MouseCoord=(${mousePointX}, ${mousePointY})\r\n` +
86 ` Hit-Test Coord=(${hitTestInfo.xCoord}, ${hitTestInfo.yCoord})\r\n` +
87 ` IsHit? ${hitTestInfo.isHit}\r\n` +
88 ` Result=(${hitTestInfo.xValue}, ${hitTestInfo.yValue}) `
89 );
90 visualiseHitTestPoint(sciChartSurface, hitTestInfo, whichHitTestMethod, 1000);
91 });
93 // Continue chart setup
94 //
96 // Create an X,Y Axis. For this example we put y-axis on the left to demonstrate offsetting the mouse-point when hit-testing
97 sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1) }));
98 sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(
99 new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
100 axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
101 growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1),
102 })
103 );
105 // Create a Line Series with XyDataSeries and some data
106 const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
107 strokeThickness: 3,
108 stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
109 dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
110 dataSeriesName: "Line Series",
111 xValues: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
112 yValues: [0, 1, 5, 1, 20, 5, 1, 8, 9, 3],
113 }),
114 pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
115 stroke: appTheme.VividSkyBlue,
116 fill: appTheme.VividSkyBlue + "33",
117 width: 11,
118 height: 11,
119 }),
120 });
122 // Add the line series to the SciChartSurface
123 sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries);
125 const watermarkAnnotation = (text: string = "") => {
126 return new NativeTextAnnotation({
127 text,
128 fontSize: 32,
129 textColor: appTheme.ForegroundColor,
130 x1: 0.5,
131 y1: 0.5,
132 opacity: 0.23,
133 horizontalAnchorPoint: EHorizontalAnchorPoint.Center,
134 verticalAnchorPoint: EVerticalAnchorPoint.Center,
135 xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
136 yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
137 annotationLayer: EAnnotationLayer.BelowChart,
138 });
139 };
141 // Add a watermark
142 const theWatermark = watermarkAnnotation("METHOD: " + whichHitTestMethod + "()");
143 sciChartSurface.annotations.add(theWatermark);
145 // Allow changing method and updating watermark.
146 const updateHitTestMethod = (hitTestMethod: string) => {
147 console.log("Setting hitTestMethod " + hitTestMethod);
148 whichHitTestMethod = hitTestMethod;
149 theWatermark.text = "METHOD: " + hitTestMethod + "()";
150 };
152 return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext, controls: { updateHitTestMethod } };
Demonstrates adding Tooltips on mouse-move to a JavaScript Chart with SciChart.js RolloverModifier
Demonstrates adding a Cursor (Crosshair) to a JavaScript Chart with SciChart.js CursorModifier
Demonstrates adding Tooltips at certain positions to a JavaScript Chart with SciChart.js VerticalSliceModifier
Demonstrates using MetaData in a JavaScript Chart - add custom data to points for display or to drive visual customisation
Demonstrates Hit-Testing a JavaScript Chart - point and click on the chart and get feedback about what data-points were clicked
Demonstrates the DatapointSelectionModifier, which provides a UI to select one or many data points, and works with DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider to change the appearance of selected points